Algo Poetry-Behind the Lines

Do Worry Darling

Note- “Last Man” is a societal condition ,coined by Nietzsche, concerning a society that becomes populated by archetypal, passive nihilists who are tired of life, take no risks and seek only comfort and security. The death of God leads to a world where pacificity and decadence replaces individuality, creativity and the will to power.

Today’s piece:- The catchily titled “An appreciation of Last Men delegating menial work”, the 24th poem from “A Light Goes On”, is a real scene from real life( well a previous one).

I once owned a house in a detached (very detached from reality) electronically gated community with faux electric gas lamps lining each dwelling and virtue signalling but malevolent SUVs dominating each driveway.

It turned out, that in this unreal enclave, in a small provincial Irish town, that most residents had gone to school with each other, ran most, if not all of the complimentary local businesses and had inter-married.

I was clearly an outsider, rarely there and not remotely interested in their jerky circle.

One day, I surveyed a scene that the poem describes, in one of the few remaining front gardens that had real grass.

I wanted to see how an incestuous insider interacted with an outsider of a “lower class” (in their mind).

They did not disappoint as they stiffened their stance, adapted their accent and remarked on “working class” events (in their mind) such as football results.

The insider enquired about the outsider’s lawnmower and it’s internal machinations, all the while leaning on it, like a labrador relieving itself on a fire hydrant.

The interaction ended with the handing over of a used 20 euro note.

Full control over the “commoner” had been asserted.

I sold that house earlier this year, left that estate and left the State entirely.

Better out than In.


P.S.-My second collection, Unreconciled Doors, is the subject of Season 2 of the Algo Poetry-Behind the Lines podcast-follow it on your favourite podcast provider to listen along. If you subscribe you are essentially getting my first two collections (including the first,which is BE.aGaIN) and a gown and mask in the delivery room of where the poems were born!!. Season 3 coming soon!.


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