Algo Poetry-Behind the Lines

An Un-Restrained Refrain

“End All Wars Now” is the refrain referred to and the title of the 26th poem from “A Light Goes On”, which today’s post goes Behind The Lines of.

Language is indicative of usage and it is symptomatic of the systems we are parts of and ultimately live inside the constraints of.

It is those very set of circumstances that will decide why “cease-fire” rolls of the tongue, while “War-end” or “peace-start” remain alien and ill-fitting,

Language is also a weapon.

It can be employed to limit, to vilify, to reduce and to seduce.

Reduce your enemy to sub human and seduce your soldiers into being the pointed end of your “just” cause spear.

I would be lying if I said that this poem was not directly influenced by the (at the time, impending)illegal invasion of Ukraine by a totalitarian dictator.

It is the very reason that it was written.

End All Wars Now.


P.S.-My second collection, Unreconciled Doors, is the subject of Season 2 of the Algo Poetry-Behind the Lines podcast-follow it on your favourite podcast provider to listen along. If you subscribe you are essentially getting my first two collections (including the first,which is BE.aGaIN) and a gown and mask in the delivery room of where the poems were born!!. Season 3 coming soon!.


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